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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to our most frequently asked questions!

A wide variety of brand name appliances to choose from.

No charge unless agreement is violated. DO NOT wash/dry comforters, quilts or pillows as these will damage appliances, or move appliance on your own without prior notice.

No charge, unless appointment is missed and return trip is required.

No charge.

On rentals, we deliver what is currently in stock. ALL appliances undergoes full maintenance and cleaning before delivery. Rent-to-own prices begin at $45.00 for the standard model, and may increase depending on the model chosen. The standard model consists of: Washer with an extra large capacity tub with cold, warm and hot temperatures settings; load size settings of medium, large and extra large loads (some models have softener setting); and dryer with 3 temperature settings and timer settings for cottons, synthetic fabrics and delicates.

On all rent-to-own’s it’s your choice on which model to choose. We just offer the best appliances at the lowest cost to the consumer, but you may ask to see other models available. We will shop the best deal available, offering the lowest cost to you, the consumer. However, if you want to up-grade your appliances, we can assist you with that as well.

Yes, we do provide a SERVICE PACKAGE to all previous customers at a reduced rate to “Thank You” for the continued business.

Our policy is to attempt contact with you as soon after receipt of your application as possible (within 24 hours).

Once paperwork is complete, we can deliver within 24 to 48 hours.

For poorly functioning appliances, call our office or send us an email requesting service and explaining the problem. You may also view our Service Tips section on the Website.

No. Your presence is not required. Notify you complex office and follow whatever process is required by their policy. They will release a key to our driver for entry to deliver and install your appliance.

Our contract requires written authorization from our office before equipment is moved from your apartment. Our experts will move and install your equipment for a nominal fee. Simply give us a call or schedule your move online with us.

Yes. However, if you live in a region in which the temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius), this is not a good idea. Such temperatures could cause the oil in the compressor to thicken, leading to premature compressor failure or other issues. Also, refrigerator/freezer units often won’t keep food frozen when the temperature of the garage drops below 35 degrees Fahrenheit (1.6 Celsius).

Your freezer works better when it’s full. That’s because the frozen items help keep the other items cold as well as help maintain the cooler temperature in your freezer.

If your freezer currently has some extra space – don’t worry – we’re not telling you to buy more groceries to fill it! All you have to do is throw in any extra ice packs you might have or fill up some plastic to-go containers, plastic baggies and/or empty milk jugs with water and add them to the freezer. (Leave some space when filling them, however, since water expands when it freezes.) It may seem silly, but it’ll help your freezer run more efficiently and save you money on your electric bill.

Your refrigerator’s thermostat should be set to 36 to 38 degrees Fahrenheit (approximately two degrees Celsius) and your freezer’s thermostat from 0 to 5 degrees Fahrenheit (-18 degrees Celsius). If your model does not have a thermostat, use a thermometer to check the temperature. Adjust the control as needed.

It is illegal to send a refrigerator to a landfill without first removing the refrigerant, due to environmental and safety issues. Only licensed professionals can do this procedure. Contact your local municipality for more information. Many offer services to pick up refrigerators and properly dispose of them – for a nominal fee. If your local municipality does not offer such a service, contact a reliable, local appliance repair company and inquire about such services. Be sure to ask for a valid license and a certificate of compliance.

Remember to monthly wipe down equipment, run a hot cycle with bleach to disinfect the washer (then wipe down tub afterwards), check knobs (if they pull off) and make sure none are broken or damaged (this can lead to larger issues down the line) and replace if necessary, and finally pour some Bleach and Vinegar down the drain pipe to prevent smells from rising back up through the pipe. Smells coming back up through the drain pipe can often times make you think something is wrong with machine when you simply need to clean drainage area.

Even if you’re good about removing lint from the filter after every load, it’s common for lint to build up within the dryer, too. Once per year, disassemble the dryer and use a vacuum and a long vacuum hose attachment to clean out the lint.

Or call us and we can clean it for you!

Did you know that ……..

It is illegal to send a refrigerator to a landfill without first removing the refrigerant, due to environmental and safety issues?

Only licensed professionals can do this procedure. Contact your local municipality for more information. Many offer services to pick up refrigerators and properly dispose of them – for a nominal fee. If your local municipality does not offer such a service, contact a reliable, local appliance repair company and inquire about such services. Be sure to ask for a valid license and a certificate of compliance.

Your refrigerator’s thermostat should be set to 36 to 38 degrees Fahrenheit (approximately two degrees Celsius) and your freezer’s thermostat from 0 to 5 degrees Fahrenheit (-18 degrees Celsius). If your model does not have a thermostat, use a thermometer to check the temperature. Adjust the control as needed.

Disinfecting Appliances periodically this is always standard, but especially during these cautious times when it is so easy to transit germs and bacteria. So advice people to occasionally run a washer load with nothing but bleach and then wipe down tub afterwards to help disinfect machine. And for the dryer, simply use kitchen (bleach) disinfectant.

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